Thursday, January 6, 2011

Anyone... Why Her?

She’s a child when it all began.
So innocent and yet so rebellious throughout it all.
Covering those emotions, just wanting to burst out.
She needs someone, someone who is like her.
No one, there is no one. Help all she wants to be is a child a girl that wants nothing more than a chance to be happy the way she is and the way she is made.
She thinks nothing will change, life will always be the same.
What’s life if there is no happiness?
Happiness, is that even a word?
To some it is “all” life is nothing can break them down, they are better than everyone and everything.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (Declaration of Independence)
That’s what everyone says every man is created equal, then why is she, an innocent child not equal?
She’s taught to put on a face, a face that shows nothing.
Happy, joy, love those aren’t words to her. Deceiving ones who should be the one that show and teaches her all those “word,” love, joy, happiness.
The girl she’s so strong, sweet and caring, where does she learn it?
There’s not just deceiving people in the world, people like him care.
Yes, once again love is a word.
So much for a little girl, too much for just an ordinary one.
Where to start, learning new things every day, it’s not the past anymore life’s new that little girl is growing up and is not the same people around who care and love.
This girl is a new girl, but why still does the past linger.
Will there ever be a reason to why it had to be this little girl?

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