Monday, December 27, 2010

Who is "Andrew Jones?"

In the poem I think "Andrew Jones" is that man at the end of the street that no one likes. He is a man who people think will raise his children to raise hell in the community, like many people think of parents who act poorly. The people want Jones to be called into the draft away from where they live so he can be done away with. Wordsworth doesn't hate him for the long days that he curses all the way through and gets drunk, but because of what he did to a man who was crippled and alone. The crippled man had a penny thrown to him by a passing traveler and he couldn't reach down to grab it, without help. There was a lot of dust down the ground and the weather was bad, but the crippled man looked through all the dust until he found the penny. Just as the cripple found the penny Andrew Jones reached down and took the penny from the old man and told him that what he had found was his. That is why Andrew Jones will raise children who would do the same as he did to the poor cripple. There is always and Andrew Jones in the world, or society we put ourselves in. Some people make one bad decision and it sticks with them their whole life and becomes their nature in the eyes of everyone around them. I myself have even experienced one of those people. When I was younger, I lived in a neighborhood where a man who had two kids lived in a house that was really worn down and was always drunk and causing disturbances to people around him, and because of it I was told not to go around him or his kids, simply because they might be like him. It just goes to show that there is always an Andrew Jones in all walks of life.

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